
 Today is 13th of september and i I woke up at 7:30, made my bed, got dressed, packed my backpack, and at 8:05 I went to breakfast, had milk and cereal for breakfast and then went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

At 8.30 I took the bus to go to the institute, I arrived at the high school, the Spanish got together and as today we had an excursion we waited all together for the bus to go to Ballyhas to an aquapark all together, we arrived and we went zip-lining.

At 12.45 we went to the water and we have been doing activities for an hour and a half and then we went back to the institute around 5.30.

When I got to school I went home and spent the whole afternoon in my room watching series, making video calls with my family and at 7 o'clock I went to dinner, then I brushed my teeth and continued watching series.


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