
 Today is 11th of september, i wake up ay 7.30 am, i have dressed, i have breakfast and all the things doing before go to the high school, at 8.30 am i catch the school bus and i arrive at 8.40 at the hig school, i meet all my friends and we go at our class, at 13.05 we have lunch all together and next we go back to the classes until 15.45. In the high school we have many classes, for example maths, we study ecuations, they are so easy.

 When the high school finish i come back home and i stay all the time in the bedroom whatching a serie because i am so bored here, i have a viceocall with my family like all the days, i have dinner at 19,00 and next i go to the bedroom again and stay with the mobile, it´s so bored and i don´t have good time in the house where i am.


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